Scarlet Council

All Rutgers University–New Brunswick undergraduate students are invited to join the Scarlet Council, a group of student leaders who know what it means to be Scarlet Forever and who are excited to develop new opportunities that connect students and alumni through philanthropy and meaningful engagement. By planning and being a part of social and professional development events, leaders of Scarlet Council create long-lasting relationships with each other, the university, and a vast alumni network.


Inspiring today’s students to become the engaged and philanthropic Rutgers alumni of tomorrow

Impact & Opportunity


students who were motivated in 2021-2022 to show their gratitude to Rutgers by supporting/donating to areas that have impacted them


living alumni that you can connect with before and after graduation


alumni groups both near and far that can help you share your pride in Rutgers and expand your network

Starting Your Alumni Connections

As you begin your lifelong connection with Rutgers, amplify your scarlet pride by getting involved with the Rutgers University Alumni Association (RUAA). Made up of more than half a million living graduates, the RUAA keeps you connected with the global scarlet community by engaging you in ways that are personally meaningful to you.

Update your Contact Information

Keep your Rutgers relationship strong by making sure the RUAA has all of your current information by filling out this form.

Attend an Event

Did you know that many RUAA events allow for student attendance and offer free or reduced prices? Check them out today!

Join an Alumni Club

If you want to connect with Rutgers alumni who share your interests or live nearby, getting involved with an alumni club is a great way to do that. Alumni clubs are run by dedicated alumni volunteers in affiliation with the Rutgers University Alumni Association.

Graduating Soon?

Check out the Rutgers University Alumni Association’s New Grad resource webpage for all the information you need to stay connected.

Campus Students

Support a Cause

These causes have been grouped into categories to help you make the biggest and most meaningful impact at Rutgers. Monthly donations are the most effective way to support various areas of the university. Find a category you feel the most connected to, or simply split your donation between them all.

  • Area of Greatest Need
  • Athletics
  • Health and Wellness
  • Libraries
  • Research
  • Cultural Centers
  • Arts
  • Scholarships and College Access
  • Student Organizations and College Sports
  • Student Support and Programs

And for the seniors, make a gift to support the Scarlet Seniors Class Campaign by clicking here. If you make a recurring monthly gift of at least $5.00 OR a one-time gift of at least $25, you will be recognized with a philanthropy cord to celebrate your upcoming graduation!

For the Common Good